Friday, December 21, 2007

The S.M.A.R.T. Way to Make Truckloads of Cash Online

Make Money Online the S.M.A.R.T. Way

Just like pink is the new black, acronyms are the new words.

I was thinking about a quick, handy acronym I could use to remind me of my money-making strategy online, and like a flash, it came to me. This acronym reveals some of my top trade secrets, so consider yourself privileged to even have access to it. I could easily create a digital product out of this and sell copies of it on Clickbank for $39.95 apiece, but as many internet marketing gurus claim as well, I want to make this available to the general public because I'm tired of seeing the "little guy" struggle while the fat-cats get all the cash.

That having been said, I hope that you'll be able to glean from the priceless wisdom that has been bestowed upon me by the Fates of the Blogosphere, by way of the acronym entitled "S.M.A.R.T."

To create money-making content that will pull traffic to your site like an explosive rapid-fire nuclear magnet, remember that you have to create content that is...






Again, your content must be Superb, Monetizable, Affiliateable, RSS-able Text. If this isn't pure internet marketing genius, I don't know what is. When you use the S.M.A.R.T. way, you're almost guaranteed to profit extravagantly in your online ventures. People will fall over themselves, foam at the mouth, and DROOL at having even a remote chance of whipping out their credit cards to buy what you're offering. And they'll be doggone happy that they did.

This, in combination with my 3-point plan to make ridiculous amounts of money online, is the sure-fire way to explode your profits and cause a mass nuclear fallout of brain-sizzling cash flow!!!