So, in light of this, I'm linking to Darren Rowse's ProBlogger like crazy. Mr. Rowse may one day thank me for it when he sees such a prominent blog presence as myself linking to ProBlogger.
Is there a method to my madness? Yeah, you could say so; but I'm not going to tell you here...I'd rather have you check out my list of the top 5 reasons why I'm linking to ProBlogger like an insane man.
(1) ProBlogger is actually good for your health. In a private clinical study, a control group of 50 bloggers-to-be were instructed to read a collection of Darren Rowse's posts on Google AdSense. Cholesterol levels in each of the participants were reported to have dropped, and a greater overall sense of energy and well-being was felt by all.
(2) There are ancient secrets hidden in the archives of ProBlogger. Legend has it that the location of King Solomon's mines is revealed somewhere in the 2005 archives, but it's still the subject of much speculation.
(3) Darren Rowse is actually God disguised as an Australian blogger. Who better to learn blogging tips from than the inventor of blogs Himself?
(4) The amount of text on ProBlogger, if printed out and laid end-to-end, would wrap around the Earth twenty-seven-and-a-half times. Enough said.
(5) It was either ProBlogger or the Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament. Both items are of great interest to me, but ProBlogger was far better from a strategic standpoint.
Blog on, my friends. Blog on to make more money. For the love of everything sacred, blog on.