Hello everyone:
I've always been a big fan of making money online. I like having money. You can do some things with money. And you pretty much need it to survive.
I've always been a big fan of making money online. I like having money. You can do some things with money. And you pretty much need it to survive.
With that in mind, I offer you this blog to completely overload you with information about making money online. Many of the ideas presented will be somewhat unconventional, some will be complete bullcrap, but all will be, at the very least, entertaining.

So here's my three-point plan for making ridiculous amounts of money online:
(1) Write a bunch of stuff that a lot of people will (hopefully) want to read.
(2) Keep repeating step 1 until a lot of people turns into a WHOLE lot of people.
(3) Shamelessly monetize the CRAP out of this sucker all the way.
So there you have it...my formula for making extravagant money online, without even the slightest effort on my part. Enjoy!