Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm Joining Every Doggone Affiliate Program I Can Find!

A revenue-generating strategy is a must for any person who wants to make money on the Web. In perfect harmony with my S.M.A.R.T. method of profit generation, and building on top of my 3-point plan as a foundation for making money online, I have developed the "Buckshot Revenue Generation Strategy" (pronounced "Brrrgus").

This is a proprietary strategy built on the premise of scattered efforts...quite similar to the "throw mud at a wall & see what sticks" strategy. Just as a sawed-off shotgun shoots buckshot with force but no focus, so will my efforts be in monetizing this blog. After all, who are we to think that we can nail online revenue generation down to an exact science anyway? All those analytics, stats, etc...that stuff is for the birds. My advice? Just sign up for as many doggone affiliate programs out there as you possibly can, and hope for the best. This is the true key to online wealth.

With this in mind, I have begun my foray into the world of affiliate marketing by signing up as an eBay affiliate through Commission Junction. I had no idea that there were so many online companies that had affiliate programs until I checked out the members' area of Commission Junction. I randomly picked as another potential partner. I thought the sign-up was going to be fully automated, but I found out that has to manually review your site before they approve you to be an affiliate. Bid me Godspeed on this one, ladies & me Godspeed.

P.S.: As part of my random strategy, I have included an affiliate link for anyone that would be interested in buying any vintage Apple or Macintosh computing products...just click here to go straight to them on eBay...just another way for me to make tons of money online!