Thursday, December 20, 2007

Make Money in 95 Years!!!

I signed up with a company today that enables you to make money reading email...due to Google's AdSense Program Policies I cannot reveal nor promote the name of the program, but suffice it to say, it rhymes with "Slick Fence" that will be our code word for this company for the duration of this post.

I found out that you actually get paid one cent for each email advertisement that you view. It's a very simple log in to the site, click a button to begin viewing ads, and as long as the ad remains on your screen for a minimum of 30 seconds, your account is credited with one penny.

I did some simple math on this concept, and found out that the wealth-building potential of "Slick Fence" is mind-boggling. Check this out...
  • The company pays you $0.01 for each ad you view, and you can view an ad every 30 seconds, so that's a potential to make 2 cents per minute if you're really cranking these ads out back-to-back.
  • Keep this up non-stop for a solid hour, and you've just pocketed $1.20, my friend.
  • All you have to do at this point is keep viewing the ads back-to-back without sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom, or any other non-essential activity. This will yield you a whopping $28.80 in a 24-hour period. But...don't head to the Maserati dealership just yet...
  • After 95 solid years of doing nothing but clicking on these ads from "Slick Fence" non-stop, and viewing them for at least 30 seconds apiece, you will hit the million-dollar mark in commissions for this admirable feat. So my advice to you is, sign up with "Slick Fence" ASAP, and then get-to-clicking! You can enter into millionaire status by the year 2102!!! Now that's the way to make money online!