You know, the secret to making money online cannot always be found in a certain SEO technique, a certain advertising program, or a certain amount of RSS subscribers. There are times when you have to enlist the help of the Universal Energetic Magnetic Field of the Greater Consciousness to supernaturally attract money into your pocket with the force of one of those gigantic horseshoe-shaped magnets that Wiley Coyote used to use on the cartoons.
With this in mind, I am going to give you a step-by-step guide to using the Law of Attraction to bring more money into your hands than you can ethically spend in 50 lifetimes!!! Here it is:
Step 1: You will need the help of someone who is big enough & strong enough to pick you up off the ground. Find this person first, and convince them to help you by way of the Mega-Magnetic Universal Telepathic Request Method. If you are not familiar with this method, stop the process right now. You can't even come close to properly using the Law of Attraction until you can manipulate peoples' decision-making powers first.
Step 2: After supernaturally persuading this person to help you, have them pick you up by your ankles and hang you upside down. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you're on a carpeted floor before attempting the next step.
Step 3: Instruct them to rub your head on the carpet back & forth, much like the motion used when erasing with a pencil. What you're doing is reversing the polarization of your skeletal, muscular & nervous system, allowing you to now attract the money that you once repelled.
Step 4: At this point, money should start flowing towards you almost immediately. As a matter of fact, you might want to duck in case the first few pieces of money are hard coins.
Step 5: You are now an official money magnet. Enjoy your new state of cash-attracting reverse polarization!