Making money on eBay should be a no-brainer to any seasoned internet marketer. Ebay is known as the world's online marketplace. Never before in the history of commerce has buying and selling been so simple, and so many different types of antique gumball machines been available for sale in one centralized location.
There are, however, a lot of "land mines" that you must avoid when selling on eBay. Tons of profits can be made, but you have to know the insider secrets to truly come out on top. Below are 5 power-packed methods that only the most elite of eBay insiders use to rake in enough profits to send yourself into a convulsive dry heave!!!
Method # 1: Find an image of the Virgin Mary inside any one of your regular meals, and put it up for auction. Research shows that most images of the Virgin Mary are found in sandwich-type meals, but don't rule out more robust entrees. Also, soups are good due to the constant change of may be able to detect multiple images at one time!
Method # 2: Sell an ebook for 1 penny that tells people how to sell ebooks for 1 penny that tells people how to sell ebooks for 1 penny that tells people how to sell ebooks for 1 penny.
Method # 3: Buy a half-pound burlap sack of unsearched precious gems, and resell them individually for $50,000 apiece. A slight caveat: People may not bid on the gems if you start the bidding at $50,000, so begin with a low bid, around 99 cents or so. But be sure to put a $25,000 reserve on each gemstone...this will be an absolute cash cow for you if you use this method.
Method # 4: Follow Britney Spears around and sell any objects that she happens to discard. This includes half-eaten sandwiches, gum that she may have chewed & spit out, etc. Sell these things as fast as you can get your hands on them. One caveat: Be careful not to tangle with her security guards...avoid them at all costs.
Method # 5: Auction off your soul. Unfortunately, this is a one-time effort, but you'll make out like a bandit if you're a worthwhile person.
Hopefully this post has opened your eyes to the plethora of profits that awaits you if you're willing to step out and do something that's out of the norm. You cannot make money online using mere "status quo" methods. Use eBay to propel your profit-generation to preposterous pinnacles of platitudinous perfection!!!