Make Disturbing Amounts of Money Online with Squidoo and Squid Doo-Doo!
Versatility is an important component of making money online. You have to be ready to flow with the times, and when the winds of change start blowing, you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone.
It's tough to navigate the murky waters of the online money making world. What monetization models should you choose? Should you try pay-per-click or pay-per-lead marketing? Should you become an expert in search engine optimization or should you just do an all-out onslaught of traffic-attacking techniques such as AdWords and affiliate marketing? All of these models have their strong points and weak points, and they all have their pros and cons. What's an internet marketer to do?
For the thinking entrepreneur, you don't want to get into any programs or techniques that cost a lot of money up-front. The ideal scenario is to go with something that can produce multiple streams of income with no out-of-pocket cost. There is such an ideal opportunity available in a website known as Squidoo. Squidoo is a website founded by famed marketer and blogger Seth Godin. The basic premise of the website is that users are allowed to create one-page portals known as "lenses" about whatever topic they choose. Squidoo posts Google AdSense ads on the lenses, and then when visitors click on the ads, Squidoo splits the revenue 50/50 with the lens makers (also known as "lensmasters").
This is HUGE. This is BIG. This is freakin' GARGANTUAN. What you don't realize is that there are NO LIMITS to the amount of lenses you can make. Just think...if you only made 2 cents off every lens you made per month, you would only need to make 50 million lenses to clear $1 million dollars a month!!!
Now imagine what you could do with a passive income of one million dollars a month. You could finally take that vacation you've been dreaming about. You can buy 3 Bentleys a month. You could finally tell that obnoxious boss of yours that he can stick it where the sun don't shine--you're making big money online now, and he can take this job and shove it! Fire your boss! Be your own boss! Hire yourself! Downsize your boss! Awaken the giant within! Seize the day! Keep off the grass!!!!!
So what are you waiting on? Let's get to lensmaking!!!
But wait--there's another method of generating multiple revenue streams that's even more exclusive and more secretive than making money with Squidoo lenses. It's only known by the upper echelon of internet marketers, and it deals in the more exotic circles of making money online. It's a dirty business, but it pays huge profits. It's more than just some sideline business that will help you to earn extra income; this thing will give you the money that's only enjoyed by the privileged few at the top of the economic food chain.
What am I referring to?
I'm talking about making money online selling squid doo-doo.
This is not to be mistaken for making money online with Squidoo. This is selling the actual defacation of a squid. This is high-dollar stuff. "Squid crapping", as it's known, is fast becoming one of the hottest and most viable business models ever to hit the internet marketing scene. Using a niche-store-generating software complete with a live data feed, merchant account and shopping cart module, you can market bags of squid doo-doo in various sizes and weights, as a gag gift, or as a form of specialized fertilizer, or even as an accessory in various art installations that are much too highbrow for the average art gallery patron.
"Can I really make money online with squid doo-doo?", you ask. Does a bear crap in the woods? Does a squid crap in the water? The answer, my friend, is in the question.
You will have to concentrate on finding good wholesale suppliers of squid crap, and this is the most time-consuming part. You will more than likely need to go overseas to get a respectable supplier with a decent profit margin. But, once you do, it's a veritable cash cow for the discerning entrepreneur. I will eventually provide a list of wholesale squid doo-doo suppliers in an ebook that I'm putting together--once it's done I'll market it through an affiliate program for $197.00 each. So stay tuned for the latest updates on this project.
Hopefully I have opened your eyes to the plethora of online profits that await you both with Squidoo and, ironically, squid doo-doo. Now go forth and make money online as only a squid fan can!!!