Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Made $35,673.9777 in One Day While Tweeting on Twitter!!!

Folks, there are a ton of ways to make money online, and if you're clueless as to even one, it's best that you just close up shop and get out of the business entirely. In this post, I'm going to dive into only ONE of the many money making secrets that I have accumulated over the past few years that has enabled me to bring in an appendix-rupturing amount of money, creating yet one more stream of income to add to my multiple revenue streams that keep my money coming in for periods of time that are longer than this run-on sentence I'm writing right now.

Just to give you a little incentive to read further, I'll go ahead and put this out there: I made $35,673.9777 on Twitter.

Yep, on Twitter.

How did I do it?

Tweeting, my friend. Just tweeting.

For those who may not know, Twitter is a social networking website that enables people to perform bird-like functions. Random, miscellaneous and obscure communications fly back and forth on Twitter at the speed of light. These communications are known as "tweets". Among these tweets you will see such things as what people are eating for dinner at a given moment, how much their shirt from K-Mart costs, and random "atta boys" and "talk to you soon's" aimed "@ John", "@ Red Dog", or "@ Happy723". Those who are addicted to tweeting will swear that they cannot live without these "tweets", and hang on the edge of their seat to see whether or not "Jim555" woke up at 9:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. this morning. Most Twitter addicts consider all of this tweeting activity to be a wise investment of time. I, however, consider it to be a wide open, gaping field of money making opportunity beckoning me to partake of its tweeting bounties.

The way that I earn cash online with Twitter is by tweeting about how much money I make online doing other online business ventures. Other Twitter addicts see these tweets, and are forced to check out my website, which usually sends me a plethora of traffic just ripe for blog monetization. Once the traffic arrives, I usually monetize my blog with some sort of pay-per-click ads a la Adsense or Yahoo Publisher ads, and these tweeters begin a torrential clicking frenzy which rivals the speed of a school of piranhas skeletonizing a whole cow.

So there it is in a nutshell--my money making system known as "Tweet-Mining". A simple, and yet powerful money making method that works every time, because tweeters can often be suckers. If you doubt whether this method can make your blog make money, I feel sorry for'll be the one sitting on your couch without $35,673.9777 of extra pocket change to carry around.