To the person with frequent motor skill failure, you can make big money online using StumbleUpon. For those who may not know, StumbleUpon is a social networking site primarily geared towards people with low levels of physical coordination (hence the name). People stumble in & out of various web portals, bookmarking and sharing sites of interest along the way. It's a wonder that they're able to even accomplish this much, given the lack of motor skills that they're dealing with.
For the savvy internet marketer such as myself, you can easily see a world of money making opportunity just beckoning you to plunder its bottomless wealth by taking advantage of all these stumbling, tripping, and falling people. Being a person of superior physical prowess, I am not able to relate to all these people that stumble for a living, but I can sure market to them! Although it's not the norm for any internet marketer to divulge their money making secrets, I have so many different ones in my arsenal, it won't hurt me one bit to let one "leak" out to my faithful readership--all 4,563,423,677.3333 of them.
The first step to making online income from Stumblers is to identify the core problem that they all share in common, and find a good affiliate product or Google Adsense niche to meet that problem. Since their problem is obviously lack of physical coordination, I would focus on any type of medical treatments that could greatly improve hand-eye coordination, or anything that would help restore a person's correct equilibrium. This is an Adsense money maker going somewhere to happen.
Once you have identified the problem, and then matched the appropriate money making product to that problem, sign up on StumbleUpon and promote the CRAP out of that product to all of your fellow Stumblers. If you thought their coordination was poor to begin with, wait until you see how they trip, back-pedal, and lose all sense of good balance clamoring to buy your product or click your ads! You have a veritable universe of people just chomping at the bit to fork over money to you, to the point that your Paypal account is deluged with astronomical amounts of orders that literally break ALL of Paypal's servers and shut the entire system down, causing them to cut paper checks to everyone, including yourself!!! The only difference is, YOUR check will be for millions, while everyone else will just sit & watch, fuming with envy.
I hope this post has opened your eyes to the potential that StumbleUpon has when you match it with a make money online blog. Don't be an idiot...stumble into your multi-millionaire online business today!!!