Friday, April 11, 2008

Make Money Online with a 3-Month Old Baby

So you thought Carl Ocab was awesome just because he knows how to make money online as a 13-year-old kid? Well, I've got a news flash for you, Walter Kronkite. In the world of us underground internet marketers who are really "in the know", Carl is a dinosaur.

This post will answer the age-old question "Can kids make money?" Well, here's your answer: Not only kids, but toddlers, and yes...even infants.

One small example: You remember the story in the Bible (Matthew 2:11) where the wise men brought Jesus all kinds of gold, frankincense and myrrh? He was only TWO YEARS OLD when this was happening, folks. He was making money as a toddler!

Now I know you say "Well, that was Jesus, the Son of God; of course He's going to make money." Well, it's not just limited to that. Think of how many kids are born into multi-million-dollar fortunes, or even billion-dollar fortunes! They're making money right off the bat! So please, no more excuses!

But I know what you're thinking..."What about making money on the internet?" You see, my friend...that's where the true stealth bomb secret of infantile cash inundation resides. I know of a 3-month-old baby that's kicking tail with pay-per-click marketing. He's making money with affilate programs such as Babies-R-Us and Pacifier Depot. Rumor has it he's pulling down $15,000 a month after AdWords expenses. Hey, don't hate, just congratulate.

This post should forever settle the fact that kids can make money online too. Don't let any of these fancy teenage Web 2.0 bloggers fool you...there's big bucks with the Barney crowd too!